When alcohol and marijuana are consumed together, and the consumer gets really sick (pale, clamy, puking)
We made that guy down 4 beers after he toked 2 bowls, and he got the worst greenies ever!
by dv_metallica June 17, 2010
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Verb: The first hit of weed.
Me:Hey, you can take greenies since its your weed.
Tony:Thanks, greenies is the best.
by Ben Gaylord June 21, 2005
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Have you seen how big the Green Giant’s Greenis is?
by callmemommy March 31, 2019
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A green penis (typical symptom of gonorrhea).
Girl 1: I almost let this dude bang me but than I saw he has a greenis!
Girl 2: Hello? That's like totally disgusting!

Doctor: Okay, now please remove your pants so I can OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU HAVE A DAMN GREENIS!!!
Patient: What??? What does that mean???
Doctor: It means that you like hookers!
Patient: Wha... ???
Doctor: It means you can't beat the axis!
Patient: What the hell are you trying to tell me, doctor???
Doctor: You, sir, have gonorrhea!
by F4LL0UT July 25, 2010
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1. An imaginary unit of vegetable, approximately equal to one "greenie," a type of dog treat. However, it can be used in almost any way imaginable (think hoss)
1. Go crunch on a greenis!
2. Holy fuck, look at that huge greenis!
3. I bet you a greenis Dumbledore will die in the sixth book!
by Pippinzzz January 14, 2006
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A new person, aka greenhorn. Usually asks stupid questions but is not even close to as annoying a s noob.

Derived from Puzzle pirates were new players names are written in green.
Dude 1 : This dude just asked if he could have my war friggate
Dude 2: What a greenie
by That human person May 8, 2009
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noun- slang term for an environmentalist. Often used to deride such people
That bloody tree-hugging greenie poofter!
by Danny Dick March 21, 2005
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